Hi, I’m Kyra Wong. I was born free-spirited and unstoppable.
“I believe it’s important to recognize that what makes you different IS your superpower. Don’t be afraid of being different – be afraid of being the same as everyone else!”
Kyra Wong
I came into this world a creative free spirit, rambunctious and playful, with no interest in living by the rules. I was the kind of girl with a perpetual twinkle in her eye, who loved to add glitter and charming outrageousness to the lives of the more conventional. Looking back on it now, it’s obvious to me I was born with a unicorn nature; untamed, imaginative, and forever seeking a rainbow-coloured escape route towards a life less ordinary.
Unfortunately, I grew up under a dominating, patriarchal father in an oppressive religious environment that came with an overabundance of the usual suspects: guilt, shame and inequality. I was expected to be an obedient member of the herd and dim the sparkle from my unicorn hide to fit in. Since I had little interest in conforming to the religious status quo, I was constantly in trouble as the misfit, middle child and black sheep of the family. I never felt understood or accepted for the person I was born to be, so I lived largely in the fantasy world of my imagination to cope with the painful reality of my everyday existence. I knew from an early age that I would never find happiness or my fairy-tale ending if I settled for a cookie-cutter version of myself to try and please others. So instead, I chose to break the mold and follow my untamed heart with faith, trust, and a little pixie dust!
At 18, I planned my official escape and embarked on an exciting new adventure to the magical city of Vancouver! I wanted to be free to create a life on my own terms, but my decision to stay true to myself cost me my relationship with my parents. They officially disowned me and I was no longer a recognized or welcomed member of the family herd. It was an unsettling, heartbreaking experience of crushing loss and overwhelming rejection. I woke up every morning for a long, fuzzy time wondering if it was all a bad dream and choking on the pain and emptiness of my reality: Erased. Invisible. Alone. I now had to navigate life completely on my own, without guidance or support and it was a scary, isolating time for me. Luckily, my post-secondary studies lead me into a world of Fine Arts, where I was introduced to a fabulous host of artists, misfits and rebels. It was the first time I had ever encountered sexual minorities and I became fast friends with many of them. Our struggle was similar in that much of it centered around the pain of difference and not being accepted by people within our own families. Their free spirited ways, rainbow flags and colourful personalities, made me feel less alone because we all seemed to feel like unicorns in a field of horses!

As my life unfolded with little support or guidance, I had to learn many lessons from the school of hard knocks.
I made mistakes, made corrections, pivoted, detoured and failed countless times along the way. Failing is never easy, but it’s worth it! I leveraged every misstep by gaining experience and knowledge and adding it, like ingredients, to create my superpowers. After a couple of failed marriages and a baby in tow, I set out on my own again, but this time as a single mother. I was determined to build a magical life for my son; one we could be proud of and that would give us the freedom we needed. As I ambitiously climbed the corporate ladder, I noticed it was predominantly white and male. There was not only a lack of women in senior leadership positions, but also a glaring lack of visible minorities. I decided it was time to do more to help others and the Magical Unicorn Project was born. The project was created to address social and systemic issues I felt were negatively affecting women and minorities. I believe everyone deserves equal opportunities and to be treated with kindness, dignity and respect . Your gender, skin colour or who you choose to love should not limit your potential. The unicorn is known throughout history as a fierce creature, but also a symbol that represents unity, freedom and healing. I wear a unicorn horn to assert equality and as a reminder to the world that we are ONE!
By challenging the status quo as a passionate crusader for unity, equality, and justice, I hope to be a positive force for change in the world. I’m on a mission to help inspire and empower women and other society underdogs so they can reach for the stars and achieve their full potential. I envision a future where we accept and acknowledge each other as one human race, so we can show up for each other with greater consciousness. As someone who fearlessly glitters outside the lines of convention, I know that anything is possible, and magic happens when we’re bold enough to stand in our truth, use our voice, and let our light shine!

Kyra currently lives in Vancouver, and works as SVP of Insurance Products at DLCG Mortgage Group. In 2018, she became a best-selling co-author in the book, “Empower with the Power of Collaboration” and was the Keynote Speaker for the Global Women’s Alliance – where the theme was: “Be Bold, Be Authentic, Be You”. For International Women’s Day 2021, she will be featured in “Pursuit 365”, an inclusive book co-authored by 365 Canadian women across the country including some celebrities. Kyra has been recognized for numerous industry nominations and awards over the years, but her true motivation is sparked only by the joy she feels from inspiring, empowering and making a positive impact on the lives’ of others.